What does an
osteopath do?
osteopath do?
Osteopathy is a manual medicine. This means that the examination and treatment is performed through the hands. The osteopath examines the structures/tissues in the body for mobility. All structures in the body have a certain optimal mobility. The moment the mobility is optimal, it will benefit the function of the structure.
Because everything in the body has mobility/mobility, an osteopath examines and treats a very wide variety of structures. For example, muscles, bones, joints but also, for example, organs and membranes. This broad approach allows the systems that connect all these structures to function better and work together such as the nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system.
Because everything in the body has mobility/mobility, an osteopath examines and treats a very wide variety of structures. For example, muscles, bones, joints but also, for example, organs and membranes. This broad approach allows the systems that connect all these structures to function better and work together such as the nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system.

How does an osteopath look
to a complaint?
to a complaint?
The cohesion and cooperation in the body is very important between all structures. Communication and flow should be good. If there is a disturbance in the mobility of a structure, the body tries to keep the system functioning as well as possible with an adaptation (''compensation''). Such an adjustment through compensation can go well for a very long time without you noticing.
The moment too many of these compensations begin to impact the system and system becomes too far out of balance, symptoms arise. The last drop that then makes the bucket overflow can be very diverse for example: stress, diet, attitude, sports.
The osteopath looks for the structures that are throwing the body/system out of balance. By optimizing the mobility again of these structures, the system can recover and the body often does the rest itself (self-healing ability).
The moment too many of these compensations begin to impact the system and system becomes too far out of balance, symptoms arise. The last drop that then makes the bucket overflow can be very diverse for example: stress, diet, attitude, sports.
The osteopath looks for the structures that are throwing the body/system out of balance. By optimizing the mobility again of these structures, the system can recover and the body often does the rest itself (self-healing ability).
Is an Osteopathy
treatment for
you effectively?
treatment for
you effectively?
Osteopathy is there for all ages and situations (elite sports, pregnant, burnout, etc.) and helps for a very wide range of complaints.
Osteopathy falls under complementary/complementary medicine. This means that we are complementary/complementary to mainstream medicine and are not a replacement for a primary care physician or specialist. You would be wise to contact your doctor first if you have medical complaints to rule out underlying diseases.
Osteopathy falls under complementary/complementary medicine. This means that we are complementary/complementary to mainstream medicine and are not a replacement for a primary care physician or specialist. You would be wise to contact your doctor first if you have medical complaints to rule out underlying diseases.
Tietze's syndrome
Gastrointestinal complaints
Bloating of the abdomen
Tietze's syndrome
Gastrointestinal complaints
Bloating of the abdomen
Spastic bowel
Irritable bowel syndrome
Menstrual complaints
Bladder inflammation, incontinence
Spastic bowel
Irritable bowel syndrome
Menstrual complaints
Bladder inflammation, incontinence
Neck pain
Upper back pain
Lower back pain
Pelvic instability
Breech complaints
Shoulder Pain
Frozen shoulder
Elbow complaints
Tennis, and golfer's elbow
Wrist Pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Hand complaints
Upper back pain
Lower back pain
Pelvic instability
Breech complaints
Shoulder Pain
Frozen shoulder
Elbow complaints
Tennis, and golfer's elbow
Wrist Pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Hand complaints
Hip pain
Groin pain
Knee pain
Patello-femoral complaints
Runner's knee
Meniscus complaints
Ankle complaints
Ankle sprain
Foot complaints
Heel Spur
Muscle complaints
(Work) posture complaints
Groin pain
Knee pain
Patello-femoral complaints
Runner's knee
Meniscus complaints
Ankle complaints
Ankle sprain
Foot complaints
Heel Spur
Muscle complaints
(Work) posture complaints
Tension headache
Jaw pain
Tingling to the arms and/or legs
Deafness/reduced sensation in the arms and/or legs
Tension headache
Jaw pain
Tingling to the arms and/or legs
Deafness/reduced sensation in the arms and/or legs
Persistent symptoms after surgery
Persistent complaints after illness
Scar tissue complaints
Stress complaints
Complaints after burnout
Persistent complaints after Covid-19
Persistent complaints after illness
Scar tissue complaints
Stress complaints
Complaints after burnout
Persistent complaints after Covid-19